MOU Signing Ceremony with FERUNI CERAMICHE on 24 Mar 2022

Malaysian Timber Council (MTC), Malaysian Furniture Council (MFC), Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers (MIID), and Feruni Ceramiche held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony for TIMB3R Design Incubator Programme (DIP) 2.0, in the afternoon of 24th March 2022, at Feruni Ceramiche PJ showroom.

The objective of The MoU signing ceremony are to welcome Feruni Ceramiche as our new showcase venue partner.
Enriching space through furniture and inspiring the next generation of Malaysian designers have always been why we do what we do. Thus, we’re grateful for this backing that allows us to continue championing innovative furniture designs and ultimately, grow Malaysia’s timber and furniture industry.

Present at the MoU signing ceremony were MTC CEO Mr. Muhtar Suhali, MFC President Mr. Khoo Yeow Chong, MIID Vice President IDr Norshafina Ibrahim, and the CEO of Feruni Ceramiche Sdn Bhd YBhg. Dato’ C.C. Ngei at Feruni Ceremiche Sdn Bhd office in Petaling Jaya.


A tour organized and led by Dato CC and Ms Wong (Feruni) to showcase the state of art Feruni Ceramiche Showroom in Petaling Jaya HQ, which will later house the brilliant designs of TIMB3R DIP 2.0!